Ideas for success in low carb diets including Atkins, South Beach, Kimkins, Zone, Protein Power and more
Friday, November 27, 2009
Google Wave Invites Available for..
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Why do I eat so much at night?
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Low Carb Counter Update
General information about high protein low carb diets
I think that fastest way to lose weight is Atkins an that is how to lose weight quickly .
Monday, November 23, 2009
High Protein Low Carb Diet Plan
High Protein, Low Carb Diet Plan - The Lowdown
By Erick Ndege
Many are now following a high protein low carb diet plan hoping that they will be able to lose weight by doing so. Indeed, many people have already benefited and have lost weight already by following this kind of diet. A high protein, low carb diet plan generally consists of lean meats such as chicken and fish. In this kind of diet, starchy foods such as potatoes, rice, breads and noodles are avoided. If you are planning to follow a high protein low carb diet plan then consider the following pointers.
Consult your doctor first: Before you start a high protein, low carb diet plan, you may want to get a doctor's advice. Though this diet is generally healthy, you might have a health condition that requires a low protein diet. A doctor can recommend you to a nutritionist who can design a personalized meal plan for you.
Watch out for mood changes: People who follow a high protein diet often experiences drastic mood changes. So if you have a tendency to be moody to begin with then this type of diet might not be for you.
Intellectual capacity: A diet that contains high proteins with fewer carbs may affect your intellectual capacity. People who have followed this diet have reported a slight reduction in their mental capacities. If your job requires mental acuity then following this diet may not be a wise choice.
Fatigue: A low carb diet can result to fatigue. Carbohydrates is the body's source of energy so the absence of carbohydrates in the diet can lead to feelings of exhaustion and fatigue. This is therefore not recommended for athletes and people who do physical work. The best thing here is to make sure that you are getting the right amount of carbs that you need.
Not all proteins are created equal: So choose a good source of protein if you ant to follow this diet. Good sources of protein include fish and lean meats such as chicken, eggs, beans and whey powder.
If you are serious and you want to lose weight through dieting, I recommend you get into the right diet plan that is healthy. You must supplement yourself with a balanced diet while you are on a weight loss diet plan. Losing weight successfully through dieting involves many things that you have to consider and do right. Some of them include eating small meals more often, eating a balanced diet, eating the right foods for weight loss, eating healthy, not starving yourself, eating more foods that are rich in fiber and if possible, doing easy workouts that can help you lose weight fast. A high protein low carb diet plan may be effective in weight loss but consider the factors i mentioned above. The best way to go here is to make sure that you are getting the right carbs, proteins and fats in stead of reducing one of these sources. Get a diet plan that can guide you to eat a well balanced diet that has high proteins like fat loss 4 idiots
You are invited to visit for a review on a high protein low carb diet plan that the author recommends.
Article Source:,-Low-Carb-Diet-Plan---The-Lowdown&id=1524302
High Protein Low Carb Diet Plan
Thursday, November 19, 2009
What happened to Shay after the Biggest Loser
she was eliminated from the Biggest Loser?
For the answer Biggest Loser Shay Video There is also a great clip of Biggest Loser Trainer Jillian Michaels.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Free Low Carb Counter Articles
Drinking Mans Diet is the Holiday Diet Plan?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Weight Loss Systems Videos
Monday, November 2, 2009
South Beach Diet
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I love eggs
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Latte Factor and the solution
$5 per day (the average cost of a latte and a muffin) x 7 days = $35 per week
$35/week = $150/month
$150 per month invested at a rate of 10% annual return =
1 year = $1,885
2 years = $3,967
5 years =$11,616
10 years = $30,727
15 years = $62,171
30 years = $339,073
40 years = $948,611
Though I know that there are many of you who have fell in love with that really great Starbucks coffee. Fact is my preference is Dunkin Donuts coffee, which seems to have tons of caffeine zing ! Though our bank accounts would be fatter and we would be much better off if we started our day and took with us a delicious Gevalia coffee. The offer above is really amazing - with no commitment you get 3 boxes of coffee for $ 3 plus a free travel mug. So you can bring that coffee with you instead of giving up nearly a million dollars by buying it at Starbucks ! If you have any doubts about how good Gevalia cofee is and how fair and decent are their offers please watch the video because the offer on the banner is featured in the video and it is a really awesome value.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Nutrisystem diet plan pros and cons
Friday, April 17, 2009
Short and Sweet Diet Motivation
Introducing a new feature on my website is short diet motivation tips that will help you gain the right mindset to stay the course. It is worth the quick read because you will come away with more resolve to do what is necessary to lose the weight. So please check out these diet motivation tips:
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
5 Reasons why the Atkins diet is not a fad diet
2. The Atkins diet is a strategy that helps you eat less by reducing cravings. A strategy is not a fad.
3. People stay on Atkins for many years sometimes even a lifetime.
4. The Atkins diet improves ones health in terms of lowering cholesteral and other ways of measuring health.
5. There are many doctors that can answer any and all questions about a low carb diet. For example Dr Michael Eades is an excellent source for information about a low carbohydrate lifestyle.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Remember the morning after
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Protein Power vs Atkins
Thursday, February 26, 2009
After Atkins weight does not have to happen
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Is The Flat Belly Diet an Atkins Option ?
This diet was developed mainly for women. Getting a tight midsection is hard for women particularly after childbirth. Part of regaining your body is to lose the belly fat.
Here are some of the basics of this diet program. The Flat Belly diet hits both types of body fat: subcutaneous and visceral. Subcu fat is the type that everyone sees on your body or over the top of your pants. Visceral fat accumulates on your organs and can cause health problems just like too much of the obvious fat.
Many women experience bloating issues. During the menstrual cycle it’s the worst. You’d think you swallowed a beach ball some days. Getting rid of excess gas and fluid is not easy without pills. The Flat Belly diet teaches you to deflate using food choices.
Begin your journey to a flatter belly with the 4-Day jumpstart program. Some people have lost as much as seven pounds during this introduction phase. Food choices include those that help reduce the bloat and Sassy Water which is a signature drink created for the plan to hydrate your body and soothe the GI tract. You’ll drink a recipe of Sassy Water every day.
During the jumpstart phase you’ll be told what foods to avoid that are causing you to have a bigger belly and bloating. The main culprit is salt. Salt, or sodium, is a natural substance found in the body. Too much of it and the tissues retain more water for balance.
Eating too many carbohydrates like donuts, bagels, and other processed sweets irritate the intestinal tract. Even raw veggies can do it. Cooked veggies take up less room in your system. Gum and gassy foods are also avoided. Any foods that make you swell up or swallow air work against you.
The guidelines are simple. You eat a total of four 400 calorie meals a day every four hours. One snack is allowed either in the morning or in the evening. Each meal has to include a measure of monounsaturated fats. Fruit smoothies with belly flattening ingredients are a great tasting snack.
The diet also advocates exercise. Exercise is one half of any eating program and keeps the body in shape. You don’t have to do crunches but there are other stomach trimming exercises to make those muscles strong to complement your new flatter belly.
This has become a popular diet plan. The foods you eat are nutritious for the entire body. Some vegetables are eliminated because of gassy properties but there are enough included to satisfy daily requirements.
Give this plan a try. At the least you will be getting healthier and losing weight. At most, you will have found a sort of Holy Grail for women who struggle with the belly fat pooch.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Just one bite - why trigger's can kill you
Friday, February 6, 2009
List of low carb foods on a budget
- Eggs
- Tuna
- Luncheon meats
- Spinach
- Cauliflower
- Lettuce
- Tomatoes
- Beans
I know I left some things off the list like hot dogs, because I don't think we should ever eat them for many reasons.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Most important letter on a diet
Well actually spelled WHY.
Your big "why" will determine whether you will be able to withstand the doubts and stay the course till you have reached your goal. So have you thought about why you want to lose weight?
The more reasons you have and the more compelling they are the more likely you are to keep on the straight and narrow.
So I suggest that you get an index card and start to list your reasons why you must lose the weight now. Do not leave anything out.
Would you like to see my WHY card ?
More energy,Clearer head ( sugar zombie ), More confidence, Look good, Lower blood pressure, Make more money, Feel happier, Live longer, Stop cravings, Fitting better in an airline seat, No knee pain, No joint pain, More stamina
By the way this is something better done off the computer, yes write it with a good old pen. Then start reading it out loud several times a day.
Next time that craving hits you will start to think "why eat this and loose all these potential benefits".
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Number one way to beat cravings
Monday, February 2, 2009
When to eat alone
Recently I made the following observation. When I am psyched and in the low carb zone ( perhaps Ketosis ) my cravings are usually few and far between. So the best thing I can do is keep my eyes and nose away from temptation by eating alone. Far too often observing someone else eating too much gives me a relative license to cheat. It goes kind of like this, "Heck I am not eating half as much as they are !". Totally forgetting that my scale does not give a flying leap the next morning that I ate less than person X. We have to realize that the scale does not grade on a curve !